We Gut Healthy

Welcome to my first blog!  This blog will cover various trials and tribulations regarding food, nutrition, health and wellness–based on the experiences I’ve had with my husband, Ed.  I welcome all comments and suggestions from those who have similar stories and may have advice for me and/or others!

Where to begin!!!  After suffering with stomach issues and migraine headaches in the years before I knew him, Ed was finally diagnosed as being Gluten Sensitive.  His headaches and stomach problems improved, but didn’t completely go away.  Since he felt better, he accepted it as an improvement and figured that was the best he could expect.

Fast forward a few years, and I came into the picture.  We’ve gone through a lot of changes in the nearly 8 years we’ve known each other.  It seemed very ironic that I met him just a few months after graduating from Johnson & Wales in Baking & Pastry Arts.  All those wonderful breads, cakes and pastries would be forbidden in our lives together.  Oh, well.  Life goes on.  I experimented with making things Gluten Free.  Some were good, some were disasters!

Then my daughter told me about the Whole 30 program.  Hmmmm, an elimination diet.  For his sake, it sounded like an interesting experiment.  For me, it sounded like the kiss of death! No sugar, no diary, no gluten, no alcohol.  Are you kidding????

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